Branch County Probation (Michigan)

Branch County Probation Departments are charged with overseeing probations imposed by a court as an alternative to incarceration. They maintain detailed records on individuals under their authority who are on probation, and these records include the individual's personal information, the charge that led to probation, and the terms of the probation. Probation terms can include requirements to seek treatment, attend counseling, or pay restitution to victims, and can also bar individuals on probation from traveling or contacting certain people. Branch County, Michigan Probation Department records also list the length of the probation and any probation violations. Branch County probation records may be available online through the Probation Department website.

Branch County Probation Department Coldwater MI 31 Division Street 49036 517-279-4305 Suggest Edit

Branch County District Attorney Offices bring charges against suspected criminals on behalf of the public. As part of their role in prosecuting cases, District Attorneys are involved in probation negotiations, including setting the terms and length of any court-ordered probations. The Branch County probation records at a District Attorney Office include the individual's personal information, the charge that caused the probation order, and the terms of the probation, including requirements to attend counseling, seek treatment, or pay victim restitution. Probation terms can bar individuals from traveling or contacting certain people, and these records also include any probation violations. Branch County, Michigan District Attorney Offices may provide online access to their probation records.

Branch County Prosecuting Attorney Coldwater MI 31 Division Street 49036 517-279-4319 Suggest Edit